NASS Contracting completes another successful ISO recertification audit and achieves the new ISO 45001:2018 standard certification.
History of ISO Certification in Nass Contracting:
During a recent interview with the Nass Contracting Quality and Technical Manager Mr. Saurav Sen, he stated that “Nass Contracting have been working with their certification partner Bureau VERITAS for over a decade and with the support from Bureau VERITAS, Nass Contracting have been successful in continually improving business performance by bringing consistency in our approach to delivery to our Clients through our Management Systems”.
According to statements by the Nass Contracting Senior Management team, “the last twelve months in Nass Contracting have seen important developments in our approach to an Integrated Management System, aimed at all Departments and Divisions of Nass Contracting, a new Integrated Management System was developed to support our approach for business excellence”.
The New Nass Contracting Integrated Management System (IMS):
NASS Contracting have committed substantial resources in developing Departmental Management Systems through the introduction of a brand-new state of the art Integrated Management System which commenced in 2018, together with a new website and a dedicated Content Management System (CMS) portal to ensure accessibility for our staff, Clients and interested parties. NASS Contracting aims to gain both long term primary and secondary benefits from the improved Integrated Management Systems.
A new Milestone with ISO 45001:2018 certification:
As the world’s first International Standard for addressing occupational health and safety, ISO 45001:2018 is considered a new milestone for organizations to achieve, with supporting guidance for use, ISO 45001:2018 offers a single, clear framework for all organizations wishing to improve their OH&S performance.
According to International Labour Organisation (ILO) over 7 600 people die each day from work-related accidents or diseases – that’s over 2.78 million every year*. The burden of occupational injuries and diseases is significant, both for employers and the wider economy, resulting in losses from early retirements, staff absence and rising insurance premiums.
To combat the problem, ISO developed a new standard, aiming to support organizations reduce this burden by providing a framework to improve employee safety, reduce workplace risks and create better, safer working conditions, all over the world. ISO 45001 is a new and distinct standard, not a revision or update, and is due to be phased in gradually over the next three years. Nass Contracting have already been adopting many of the good practice requirements which the new ISO 45001 standards are set against, and Nass Contracting wishes to encourage other Organizations to adopt the same standards.
Nass Contracting’s Future Ambitions:
Nass Contracting also recently initiated a campaign to work with ALL suppliers and service providers to support its ambitions for the entire supply chain to improve their overall performance, particularly in Occupational Health and Safety.
The Nass Contracting Head Office support teams have already commenced a series of audits to identify opportunities for improvement and they will continue working with its supply chain to improve their collective performance.
Speaking with the Nass Contracting Senior HSE and Business Systems Manager Mr. Andries J. Van Wyk, he stated “the new IMS and ISO 45001:2018 certification is only the start of new business improvement initiatives and we look forward to working with our certification partner and our stakeholders to continually improve our business performance”.
Feedback from the Bureau VERITAS Team:
During the recent ISO recertification award ceremony, the Bureau Veritas team stated that “Nass Contracting and Bureau Veritas have been certification partners since 2010, this decade long relationship has enabled Bureau Veritas to understand Nass Contracting’s processes / projects / activities which resulted in their management systems evolving to the level where capacities have increased and self-sufficiency in compliance and assurance within Nass Contracting is clearly evident. Nass Contracting being a leading organization shows team work and high level of professionalism during their third-party assessments. The all-time positive attitude from Nass Contracting management have enabled their team to respond to any identified issues in a timely manner which has built a structure of their management system piece by piece in Quality, Health & Safety and Environment”.
Bureau Veritas is a leading Organization in Bahrain who supports organizations to work efficiently & effectively, helps in the development, growth and reduces risks and is capable of providing the best services as they enable the organizations to check how far their achievements meet their objectives and show conformity. Nass Contracting is a benchmark for other organizations who are yet not certified for ISO certification.
The Bureau Veritas Management congratulated Nass Contracting on their achievement and passed their gratitude to the entire management team of Nass Contracting.