Brief Description:
Alba Pot line 6 Power Distribution System; 220kV and 33kV Substations and Associated works.
Scope of Works:
SH9 220kV Substations control and relay building with basement;
SH9 220kV Substations GIS building with basement;
SH7 33kV Substations control and relay building with basement;
220kV Reactor structure for 4No. reactors;
External building and civil works associated with the plant including SH7;5 & 1 transformer bays, 220kV reactor bays, storage areas, tank bases/bunds, road works, stone pitching, cable ducts/trenches and pipe racks, utilities, oil separators and treatment works.
Civil and building works associated with all cable installations including excavation and backfilling, cable tiles, joint pits, duct banks, transition and draw pits and various foundations for steel structures;
Miscellaneous civil works including demolition works, temporary fencing and gates and roads works;
Ancillary structures including retaining walls, precast kerbs, walkways, culverts, fire trench, storm drainage system and drainage channel.