Brief Description:
Design and construction of one new transmission station at Sitra DFS and three new water distribution stations at Durrat Al Bahrain, Isa Town East and Nabih Saleh and modifications at existing Sitra BS, West Rifa’a BS and Umm Al Hassam FS.
Scope of Works:
1. Sitra Distillate Forwarding Station
Construction of a new, fully automated forwarding pumping station with variable speed pumps inclusive of surge protection, power supply, instrumentation, control, SCADA, telecommunication, site works, guard house and relocation of existing services. Also included is the dismantling of the existing pump house.
2. Isa Town East Distribution Station
Construction of a fully automated pumping station inclusive of pumps, power supply, instrumentation, control, SCADA, telecommunication, 2No 5MIG GST’s, 1No ESR, chlorination system, site works, guard house and demolition of an existing control equipment building.
3. Durrat Al Bahrain Distribution Station (Provisional)
Construction of a fully automated pumping station inclusive of pumps, power supply, instrumentation, control, SCADA, telecommunication, 2No 5MIG GST’s and site works.
4. Nabih Saleh Distribution Station
Construction on a newly reclaimed site (scope included) 1No ESR with power, control and chlorine building. Works include for electrical, instrumentation and controls as well as all site works including security.
5. Sitra Blending Station
Upgrade and modernization of the existing station.
6. Umm Al Hassam Forwarding Station
Upgrade and modernization of the existing station.
7. West Rifa’a Blending station
Upgrade and modernization of the existing station.